Would YOU try it? Metal pegs in your pelvis that really can end back pain
In July there was an article in the Daily mail about sacro-iliac joint pain and the experience of a lady who had suffered for more than 10 years before being diagnosed. Her story is very typical of patients who suffer from sacro-iliac joint dysfunction (see ‘Conditions’ section):
“I had all kinds of treatment — painkillers, epidurals, spinal injections and physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles in my back — but nothing seemed to work. I couldn’t sleep properly as every time I turned over the pain would wake me; and exercising was impossible.”
In 2015, the lady was seen by a consultant in Stockport who correctly recognised and diagnosed her symptoms and she went onto have a sacro-iliac joint fusion using the iFuse system, used by Mr Hilton (described in the ‘Treatments’ section) with fantastic results.
The article is very good at explaining the pain, treatment and recovery from the lady’s point of view.