‘Spinal News International’ (September 2019) reports on a survey carried on 1000 US women (aged 35 – 60) conducted by S-I Bone to help them better understand public awareness of sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction as a major cause of low back pain. SIJ dysfunction is reported to account for 15 – 30% of all low back pain, with two thirds of those patients being women.
86% of the 1000 women surveyed were unaware that SIJ dysfunction is a leading cause of chronic lower back pain for women over 35 who have been pregnant.
The survey also found that 65% of the 1000 women surveyed had low back and a third had had it for over 10 years! Yet despite this, less than 20% had talked to a doctor about their pain being caused by SIJ dysfunction.
This survey should go some way to helping improve awareness and highlights the need for more education about sacro-iliac joint dysfunction.
For more information about sacro-iliac dysfunction and its management/treatment, please see read about it the section on conditions.