World Spine Day takes place every year on October 16th and this year the theme is “Every Spine Counts”.
The theme focuses on the diversity of spinal pain and its potential disability as part of the global burden of disease. The focus is also on the need for assess to quality essential spinal health services worldwide. An estimated 540 million people in the world suffer with low back pain at any one time and as a result it is still the main cause of disability worldwide.
World Spine Day wants greater global commitment to tackling spinal pain and disability by all governments, communities, and public health bodies. Poor access to quality spine care, advice and rehabilitation can result in a chronic problem. For many populations, spinal pain and disability can mean not being able to work – loss of income can mean being unable to buy food.
This year #EVERYSPINECOUNTS will focus on highlighting ways in which all people can help their spines by staying mobile, avoiding physical inactivity, not overloading their spines, and adopting healthy habits such as weight loss and smoking cessation.