
Covid-19 and Ibuprofen (and other NSAIDs)

Many people are still concerned about taking Ibuprofen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) after news reports linking them to a possible increased risk of Covid-19 infection. NSAIDs are a family of medicines that are not only used as pain killers but also for lowering high temperatures and fevers. In March the media reported a potential link [...]

2020-05-10T23:50:51+01:00 May 10th, 2020|

Coronavirus – Telephone and Video Appointments

In just few short days all our lives have changed, not just in the UK but across the world. We have entered totally uncharted territory and need to adjust our lives accordingly. Social isolation is absolutely paramount to stop or slow the spread and therefore, in accordance with government guidelines, all NHS outpatient appointments, will [...]

2020-04-09T09:40:28+01:00 March 22nd, 2020|

‘Backs to the future’ – The Economist

This is an interesting article in The Economist (18th January 2020) about the cost and medicalisation of back pain in Western society.  It explains that only about 5 - 15% of people suffering with back pain have a definitive cause for their back pain (eg fracture, infection, tumour) and the rest are labelled as [...]

2020-02-11T18:50:50+00:00 February 11th, 2020|

Do you want a treatment that……

Increases your stamina and energy levels Reduces anxiety and depression Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol Improves your intellectual capacity and concentration Helps control your weight Makes you happy Improves self-esteem Improves muscle power If there was a medicine that did all this, without side-effects, I think most people would take it, don’t [...]

2023-04-02T11:44:36+01:00 February 7th, 2020|

News Article: How to stay active with back pain

I recently read an article in The Independent newspaper about the best ways to keep active with back pain and the associated benefits. As we know back pain is very common with 80% of people in the UK having back pain at some time in their life. Long term back pain accounts for about [...]

2020-01-07T09:53:33+00:00 January 7th, 2020|

XXVIth Brussels International Spine Symposium

This is the second Brussels International Spine Symposium I have attended and both times the meetings have been of excellent quality, very interesting and relevant. This years meeting was tilted "Lumbar Spine Stenosis: Controversies in ethiopathogenesis, management and costs". The meeting consisted of a series of lectures with both a European and American Faculty and [...]

2020-01-03T11:23:57+00:00 January 3rd, 2020|

Mind-Controlling Exoskeletons

At the meeting I attended in Japan, there was an exciting talk about exoskeletons and how research is enabling paralysed patients to control exoskeleton bodysuits with their mind. Exoskeleton, by definition, is a “skeleton outside of the body”. Human exoskeletons are motorised external frames or ‘bodysuits’ that can be worn to support a person [...]

2019-11-30T09:17:03+00:00 November 28th, 2019|

International Sports and Spines Congress 2019

I recently attended the First Biennial International Sports and Spine Congress held in Tokyo, Japan. Organised by the Seattle Science Foundation, leading members of the international spinal surgical community discussed and debated controversies in the management of spinal conditions and injuries in sportsmen and women. Topics ranged from traumatic brain and spine sporting injuries [...]

2020-02-11T19:22:37+00:00 November 16th, 2019|

How does Mindfulness help chronic pain?

There has been a lot of news recently about ‘Mindfulness’ and its benefits so I thought I would write a little about its history and and an overview of how it works. Mindfulness does not suit or work for everyone but I think it is important to understand the scientific basis of Mindfulness and that [...]

2019-11-09T10:16:06+00:00 November 9th, 2019|

New Report: Behavioural intervention increases physical activity in lumbar surgery patients

Research has shown that interactively encouraging patients to perform exercise after lumbar surgery has beneficial effects compared giving them simple written advice and less regular follow-up. The report which was presented at EUROSPINE 2019 suggested that “psychosocial behavioural intervention administered in the spine care setting was successful in increasing physical activity after recuperation from [...]

2019-11-01T17:50:04+00:00 November 1st, 2019|